Dad’s Matter Too!
General Toddlers Babies Workshops
As a father or male carer, it can be daunting to attend stay and play groups.
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Dad’s Matter Too!
As a father or male carer, it can be daunting to attend stay and play groups.
FREE exercise sessions for moms-to-be
We are committed to providing FREE services and sessions for moms-to-be in Sandwell to support a healthy pregnancy.
Self Weigh Clinics
Sandwell's health visiting team off free self weigh clinics across Sandwell.
Free Weaning Workshops
Sandwell's Changes programme are offering FREE workshops delivered by the friendly and knowledgeable Community Nursery Nurses.
Free Sessions at Lightwoods House
Sandwell residents can access free sessions such as baby massage, relaxed stay and play, baby club and self weigh sessions with the health visiting team.
New Bump and Beyond Sessions
Are you pregnant or a new mom or dad? Bump and Beyond is a friendly and informal session to help you give your baby the best start in life.